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Doctor-patient. Partnership relationship.

The doctor must learn to communicate with the patient like using a stethoscope. He will be helped by training organized by the COBIK NIL Education Center. I invite you to read Lucyna Krysiak's article in the September issue of Gazeta Lekarska.


Publication in BMC Medical Education

My project to create recommendations regarding the training of communication competences at Medical Faculties resulted in a team publication:


International Association for Communication in Healthcare

I am joining the members of the global organization International Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH). Within the association, we share knowledge by researching and improving the way healthcare professionals, patients and relatives communicate with each other.


Cooperation with Pharmacie Humanitaire Internationale

Great news - plan completed!

Here are cartons full of medical supplies for Ukrainian hospitals. Many thanks to Pharmacie Humanitaire Internationale Var - for gifts and support for cooperation and Civil Protection - for a safe humanitarian convoy.


EMPATHY protocol

Reporting bad news is one of the most difficult tasks for a doctor in all medical specialties. Proper communication of bad news requires empathy and communication skills from the physician. 


I invite you to read it in my FILES tab.


Communication in Family Medicine

Our book covers issues related to both verbal and non-verbal communication. The reader will also find here all the necessary information that will allow for the correct teleconsultation with the patient. 

The book is now available in bookstores. 


Laboratory of Social Medicine

We are currently conducting classes for the first year of second-cycle studies in optometry and for students of the second and fourth year of medicine at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz. 

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2nd National Conference on Palliative Care

"We talk to patients about death. Why can't we communicate with each other? About conflicts in the therapeutic team" - I will talk about this difficult topic of communication in the team during my lecture at "Leaving Without Pain" on September 30, 2023 in Warsaw.

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Primum Bulletin - March'23

My painting was on the cover of the Medical Bulletin in paper and electronic versions. I invite you to read:


Award of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

On June 14, 2022, at the beginning of summer, I received the award from the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Rector's awards are the highest distinction that an employee of the University can receive for their work. Thank you for appreciating your work and commitment.


5th National Scientific Conference "Communication in Medicine"

Thank you for your numerous participation in the 5th National Scientific Conference "Communication in Medicine". It was a great honor to host you - both on site and online - and to be able to listen to your questions and discussions.

We invite you next year!


Polish Society of Medical Communication

As the founder and president of the Polish Society of Medical Communication, I invite you to follow our activities and cooperation!

More current information on the website:


"This is not a doctor who gets caught by the sleeve on the run." GAZETA.PL

I invite you to read the interview in which I participated on,177334,27082190,to-nie-jest-lekarz-ktorego-lapie-sie-w-biegu-za-rekaw-jak.html


© 2022 by dr hab. Aldona Katarzyna Jankowska, prof. UMK

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